SAFU Dashboard V1

2 min readApr 19, 2021


We have been working hard to get the dashboard V1 ready and it’s here! Through the dashboard you will be able to connect your wallet and review your $SAFU balance. The dashboard covers all the information that is on BSC scan such as holder count and transaction history (We’ve added some convenience features as well!). Continue to watch the dashboard evolve and change as we’ve added a new developer to help maintain, update, and tweak the dashboard to deliver the best user experience.


Did you think the team would wait until the dashboard was ready to make progress? Of course not! We‘ve been busy! Very busy. And guess what, we have some exciting things coming your way.

We are going to keep pushing forward.

With the Rugged Charity Swap, as well as other projects progressing as expected, this is truly just the beginning.


  • Exchange listing confirmed [TBA]
  • Rugged Charity Swap (RCS)
  • AMA [TBA]
  • Various marketing output through Youtube campaigns

We invite the SAFU gang to join us on this crusade in the next coming days because we are on a full drive mode to bring SAFU to all. No holding back, fasten your SAFUty belts, we are pushing full steam ahead.

Please be informed that all announcements and updates will come through the official telegram channel



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