Rugged Charity Swap: Whitelisted Candidates

2 min readMay 18, 2021

Congratulations to all the whitelisted candidates!

I am sure you have been anticipating results. We sincerely hope that this little donation will help you out tremendously on your endeavors here on out!

Be careful and be SAFU.

Spread the good news (on twitter) so that more rugged souls can find their way to CEEZEE SAFU!

Claim time: 23:59 CEST 18–05–2021

Please find your Twitter handle below (Ctrl +F/ Command F):






@zaolnahk (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@AnishAzeem (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@VillalonRuben (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@Cryptolist4 (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@Elvis93783921 (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@coucouu1991 (+Neural Pepe NFT)


@cryptofavs (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@cryptoelitealt1 (+Neural Pepe NFT)

@Jonah18713229 (+Neural Pepe NFT)





















































*Fox Finance NFTs will be distributed randomly, so be sure to check it out after claiming*

How to claim

  1. Go to our Rugged Charity Swap portal (Link).
  2. Connect your wallet you used to whitelist
  3. Send you rugged tokens to: 0x1a008dEAFffD7ab91661c7EF7E18054571c39a4d
Fig 1) This is what should pop-up if you are a successful whitelisted candidate

4. Once sent, confirm that you’ve sent the rugged tokens!

5. Enjoy your $SAFU and keep them safu!

Second Chance

If you’ve missed this opportunity, please keep your eyes open to the next community voted RCS that will be opening shortly!

Coming Next

Our launchpad is now VERY near completion! We have several IDO projects lined up as well! We will be introducing the first IDO project shortly so keep your eye peeled for any updates!

“Might be worth to hold on to your $SAFU…Just saying”- Sn0wbear




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