General safUpdate: 1
Good day to the SAFU gang! After our much successful public launch, we ran into one big problem that halted much of our steamrolling hype and anticipation: BSC scan data update.
We were able to pin point the error and email the BSCscan team for support. Typically, support requests takes 3–5 days for a response, so we are still waiting.
So, are we just waiting?
The simple answer is no. While we wait for the BSC team to start ironing the tech side with us, the SAFU team decided to take matters into our own hands. On April 14th, we announced that we would be issuing our own dashboard and said very soon. Many people sometimes forget how very soon, in a developers point-of-view, isn’t a couple of hours or minutes.
Whats coming?
The dashboard will reflect all of the data everyone wants to see on BSC scan. The only difference is, it also has some additional features (Fig. 4) AND shows the hard flex from our developers who are able to put something together like this so quickly.
When will it be ready?
The Dashboard WILL be ready no later than April 19th 2021 (UTC). Keep in mind that BSC scanner may only respond in 3~5 days, to ask a question, then leave another pending response for 3~5 days.
Whale Control Feature
Some of you may be curious to the whale control feature (0.5% of buy and sell with each transaction). This feature was removed when we decided to add such a large liquidity pool (One of the biggest on BSC at the moment!). The feature was implemented to reduce the price impact as well as force whales to a hefty tax, but with a large liquidity pool price impact is reduced significantly. Also, it doesn’t really matter whether there is a cap or not, because multiple transactions can be made with the max cap anyways resulting in the same tax rate.
Concluding Remarks
Thank you so much for all the patience and support through this SAFU community. The SAFU team is working around the clock, burning midnight oil, to get this lifted off the ground.