CEEZEE x Vicewrld AMA

5 min readAug 31, 2021

Question 1: Tell us about your project

Response: VICEWRLD is a decentralised 18 + Digital playground . It’s fast , safe , scalable and super sexy . We offer an immersive world and all in one platform solution solving multiple problems within the adult industry. We are a home for the KINKSTERS and vicewrld doesn’t focus on the unattainable rather we offer a space for likeminded people to connect and explore.

We are a sex worker led project and support our creators in many ways not just by offering lower fees but also by solving traffic problems and supporting them into STEM education when they wish to leave .

Question 2: With the recent Only Fans fiasco, there are a lot of coins aiming to be THE replacement.

We see a market saturated with adult coins. Could you shed light on why Vicewrld stands out? I personally am very impressed with what you presented during the Ape Tank pitch where you shared a little about your unique platform.

Response: It’s never been my intention to create a broken system from web2 and place it on web3 . IMO only fans is popular but it’s fundamentally flawed in many ways and tends to benefit those with a large following already. It offers no support for creators I think until you’ve had your payments frozen and you can’t pay your rent you won’t know how impactful that is.

Yes that pitch went well and we have already fixed all Issues raised for one we won’t be allowing users to pre register using email because this takes away the decentralised aspect to it . We also fixed the credit card problem however there are many features I didn’t mentioned and will not mention until they are fully workable. I noticed a lot of tokens rebranding after that pitch I see you guys 😉 haha but VICEWRLD is built on 20 years of working industry knowledge not only from films but I’ve been in other aspects of the industry since I was 17. Passion is something that is at the heart of VICEWRLD I’m not driven by money I’m driven by a desire to make the adult industry safer and fairer for all.

Follow-up Question: I read many articles about the flaws of Only Fans and those that are trying to gain attention and fail (only to lose money in the process of trying to gain attention). So am I correct to assume there must be some process or support to aid those who are trying to ease into this industry?

Response: Yes we have seen what has unfolded with Only Fans and platforms like it that can add and remove features as a sudo PR stunt.

With our platform Vicewrld not only will creators be given a space to keep much more of their profits but it will be done in a way that is decentralized and as simplified as possible from fiat on-ramping for users to off in the form of performers taking profits and so on.

The entire experience will be one supported by infographics and one pagers explaining the process to non crypto folks in the adult industry and their fans. Additionally detailed walk through videos are being created to ensure the process is as seamless as possible.

Also just to add that all creators will receive mentoring support by our expert team of course in how to market themselves 😋

Question 3: On the roadmap i see platform development is planned for Q3, are there any sneak peeks or early beta access for holders, also how fast do you think the platform will roll out after the ido is finished?

Response: No problem, the roadmap is very generous in allowing us time for unexpected delays but the platform has been in development for weeks already 😜 Our early community will get to beta test the site and we will be giving them VICE tokens to play at various stages . I’m sure @TheBlockchainB has some great competitions lined up for early access also.

Beta program for models to test features is also going to be big and a way for influencers in the adult space to test drive our platform and bring their fans with them 🚀

Question 4: In white paper there is a fiat conversion option, could you please elaborate on this process? Are you talking pegged USD or actual fiat?

Response: Okay so this is for Fiat. It’s again something that will really stand us out , after our ape tank pitch we took some expert advice and we want to be the first to move on this and so I’m going to leave you guessing 😜

Question 5: So are there any partnerships or pornstars (We also can see some stars already on your webpage!) already announced and can you already tell us a bit about this or is this too early?

Response: Okay so we obviously already have announced 4 which have over 100 milllon views on pornhub alone , we have many more to come and in fact another announcement tomorrow. I chose to use performers / stars initially that I have worked with personally and who I class as friends because they believe in the vision. I want to make it clear they haven’t been bought into it and they will actually use the site when it’s launched . We are based in the UK so it’s more European stars at this point but many more to follow globally as we expand.

I [Jordannd Fox] also have the ability to attend those award ceremonies and make new films with them when I please exclusive for VICEWRLD.

Question 6: I am a huge advoacte for sexual exploitation in the sex work industry. Not a lot of people know about this, or even understand this exists. Could you please shed light on this and why this charity wallet is so important?

Response: I’ve been an advocate for anti trafficking for a few years now after a friend of mines daughter was trafficked. Trafficking isn’t children being snatched off the street it’s also cohesive control , it’s being in sex work because of no other choice. We offer not only the amazing software from Thorn project to identity and remove materials immediately and reporting to those who make the arrest and rescues but also we offer a STEM education so performers can leave if they want to. So you can be rest assured our performers love what they do and are their because they want to be 😍

Don’t miss out on the Vicewrld IDO (Link)

14:00 UTC August 31, 2021–14:00 UTC September 1, 2021



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